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Largest Local Food Recipe Platform
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Share recipes with users from all over the world
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Increase neighborly love
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Welcome to My Neighbor Cooking

Bringing neighbors together through Food

We from My Neighbor Cooking are interested in bringing neighbors together - and what better way than through food? We hope to collect many recipes from all around the world and you can be part of it! Let’s form a global community of people who love food and love their neighbors.
So just pick a recipe, upload and get cooking and surprise your neighbors with some delicious culinary creations

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We live in trying times but showing neighborly appreciation is still possible! The idea: Find a neighbor and challenge them to a Neighborcooking foodswap!

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test23733298: sdfgsdfg wert wert2414 1965
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test40983065: sdfgsdfg wert wert6843 11914
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